Deer Apple Trees: $38.00 Bareroot
Early and Late Drop Deer Apples Trees
Liberty Apple
Zone: 4 - 8 Drop Time: September
Description: Grafted tree, Liberty is a popular, fast growing tree, heavy producer annually of standard apples. Disease Resistant. Making this tree easy to grow for no spray situations and deer love it! Rootstock: Standard: (Dolgo / Antonovka) Available Quantity: Potted: 0 Bareroot: 0 |
Tallow Road Teaser Apple New!
Zone: 3 - 8 Drop Time: October - November
LIMITED SUPPLY! Description: Rootstock: Standard: (Dolgo / Antonovka) Available Quantity: Potted: 0 Bareroot: 0 |
Enterprise Apple
Zone: 4 - 8 Drop Time: Late October
Description: One of the best apples to plant for deer as it ripens in October and drops into November. Fast growing and a heavy producer of standard apples every year. Disease resistant. Making this tree easy to grow and the deer love it! Rootstock: Standard: (Dolgo / Antonovka) Available Quantity: Potted: 0 Bareroot: 0 |
Galarina Apple
Zone: 4 - 8 Drop Time: Late October
Description: Is a disease resistant variety, no spray and late dropping. It hangs well through the winter ending in Jan. It also stores well if you want some to save an eat a few. Easy to grow, vigorous and upright. Provides a sweet apple for deer which they can't resist! Rootstock: Standard: (Dolgo / Antonovka) Available Quantity: Potted: 0 Bareroot: 0 |
Gold Rush Apple
Zone: 4 - 8 Drop Time: November
Description: This yellow, disease resistant red blush apple is a very tasty eater, also used for cider making. The best of all it's the latest dropping apple I have in MN before its ripe. Snow will fly before its ripe here in MN that I have found. It hangs well, slow to drop and provides fruit at a young age with heavy annual crops. Resistant to scab and powdery mildew. Is susceptible to CAR. Mild fireblight resistance. Rootstock: Standard: (Dolgo / Antonovka) Available Quantity: Potted: 0 Bareroot: 0 |